Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Briefly list what you know about your topic already. Consider the following:

Surprising facts or statistics
- Although some school districts adopted new policies allowing students to carry cell phones, many continue to ban them.
Important people or institutions involved
- Students in these schools use their phones to solve math problems, take class notes, and shoot photos for projects.the extent of the problem
Key schools of thought
- After the 1999 shooting rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, many states began reversing their bans on cell phones and pagers in schools for safety reasons.
Common misconceptions
- Most laws against cell phones in school were enacted to prevent their use by drug dealers and gang members.
Observations you've made
-  I think they should be allowed so parents have easy access to their kids in school in case of emergency.
Important trends
- Some schools, however, have relaxed their policies on cell phones and have even embraced their use for education purposes.
Major controversies
- Those who oppose allowing cell phones in school say they cause distractions in class and can be used to cheat and take inappropriate photos in locker rooms and restrooms.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Why are you most interested in the topic of argument selected?
Cell phones in school
 The topic of cells phone in schools caught my eyes because I feel that schools are a little strict about phones. As a student in a school that doesn't allow phones I think they should be allowed so parents have easy access to their kids in school in case of emergency.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Critical Thinking & Analysis


  1. What government programs are currently in place to reduce poverty?  Advocates for the poor seek for more government aid to reduce poverty. Opponents of increased government aid counter that it is up to individuals to adopt behaviors that are conducive to economic prosperity.
  2. Explain why, according to critics of increased government action, poverty in the U.S. is exaggerated.  The critics say poverty is exaggerated because they say that U.S. schools saw a 5% increase in students eligible for free or reduced-price meals, which are generally seen as a proxy for poverty.
  3. List things that, according to proponents of more government action, would reduce poverty . Opponents of increased government aid counter that it is up to individuals to adopt behaviors that are conducive to economic prosperity.

Cell phones in school

  1. Explain why you think cell phones should or should not be allowed in schools. cells phone in schools should be allowed because I feel that schools are a little strict about phones. As a student in a school that doesn't allow phones I think they should be allowed so parents have easy access to their kids in school in case of emergency.
  2. If cell phones are allowed in schools, what restrictions should be put on their use? How would you punish abusers of cell phone restrictions? Not using phones without permission. Punish abusers by taking phones away.
  3. What are some of the benefits of allowing cell phones in the classroom? Students could easily using phones to research. 
  4. What are some possible negative consequences of allowing cell phones in the classroom? Students not learning the classwork. 


  1. Should limits be placed on hunting? Yes because depending on the animal it could causes extinction. 
  2. Does hunting for sport cause cruelty to animals? Yes because hunting takes the life of an animal. 
  3. When enacting hunting legislation, should distinctions be made between hunting for sport and hunting for food? Why or why not? Yes because in both cases hunting shouldn't be allowed. 
Abused women 

  1. What rules do you think sports organizations should establish for its players regarding domestic violence? Explain. Some people favor swift and harsh punishment by league officials against any player accused of domestic violence, including suspension from the league. Others think that officials should let the criminal justice system determine guilt and decide on the appropriate punishment.
  2. Do you think a player accused of domestic violence should be suspended from the team until this or her case is resolved through the court system? Why or why not? Yes because no person is above the law. 
  3. Do you think the violent nature of some sports contributes to the violent behavior of some players outside the playing arena? Explain. No because although football is a aggressive sport it should lead to players being aggressive outside the sport.  
  4. How can sports organizations provide more education services to its players to prevent domestic violence ? Classes educating players who engage in domestic violence should be apart of a punishment for players. 
Online Advertising 

  1. Should advertisers be allowed to track users’ Web-surfing behavior without their consent and/or compensation? Why or why not?   These types of ads have the potential for identity theft, narrow consumer choice, and are an invasion of privacy.
  2. Behavioral targeting is the technique in which online advertisers track users’ Web-surfing behavior. What are some other techniques online advertisers use to attract customers?  Skyscraper panels that display ads down the left or right margins of webpages, and pop-ups, which are ads that pop up on the screen and block webpage content until the user clicks on them
  3. How do you envision online advertising will look like in 10 years? More techniques with presenting online advertising.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cell Phones in School
What have we been studying in class this year? Cell phones being allowed in school. 
Which subjects appeal to me? The subjects that appeal to me are the ones that I can relate to. 
What are people writing about? People are writing about how cell phones in schools affect the students.
What's most interesting to me? Most interesting to me is will cells phones ever be allowed in school.
Can I find information about that? Yes

Abused Women
What have we been studying in class this year?Abuse women face. 
Which subjects appeal to me? The subjects that appeal to me are the ones that I don't really know about. 
What are people writing about? The causes and effect of women being abused. 
What's most interesting to me? The number of women that face abuse in America. 
Can I find information about that? Yes

What have we been studying in class this year? The toll animals take on people hunting. 
Which subjects appeal to me? The subjects that appeal to me are the ones that interest me. 
What are people writing about? Early human civilizations were organized around a "hunter-gatherer" lifestyle that relied on hunting for subsistence
What's most interesting to me?  more hunting regulations are needed to prevent animals from being hunted into extinction.Can I find information about that? yes

What have we been studying in class this year? Worldwide poverty 
Which subjects appeal to me? The subjects that appeal to me are the ones that I have already studied in order to gain more knowledge on that subject. 
What are people writing about?  Poverty including financial hardship, hunger, homelessness, illiteracy and lack of medical care.
What's most interesting to me?  In 2012, 15% of the U.S. population lived at or below the official poverty "threshold."
Can I find information about that? Yes

Online Advertising
What have we been studying in class this year?  Peoples feelings on online advertising. 
Which subjects appeal to me? The subjects that appeal to me are the ones that I can relate to. 
What are people writing about? Internet advertising being a rapidly growing type of advertising that people see when they are surfing the Web
What's most interesting to me? 1993 being the starting year of online advertising 
Can I find information about that? Yes

Cells Phones In School 

- parents have easy access to their kids in school in case of emergency.

- Students are distracted 
- Students Not Learning 

Abused Women


- Women feel that are weak and useless which can lead to suicide

- Humans become healthy from animal meat

- Extinction of animals
- Animal may carry some sort of diease

- People not meeting the daily needs of life.

Online Advertising
- You may see an item you like
- When using your phone or online the last thing you want popping on your screen is an advertisement.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Cell Phones in School
  The topic of cells phone in schools caught my eyes because I feel that schools are a little strict about phones. As a student in a school that doesn't allow phones I think they should be allowed so parents have easy access to their kids in school in case of emergency.

Abused Women

The topic of abused women interested me because I wanted to know what types of abuse women go through. Being raised by my mother i respect women and think abuse of women is wrong.


The topic of hunting i found interesting. I never went hunting and it was always something i wanted to experience.


The topic of poverty interested me. I think poverty could prevented if humans stick together and help each other.

Online Advertising

The topic of online advertising interested me because it ticks me off. I think everyone can agree that when using your phone or online the last thing you want popping on your screen is an advertisement.
                                                     "WHAT TICKS YOU OFF"
Michael Tucker 

 1. When people ask me questions they could answer themselves because it doesn't need to be asked if you already should already know. 

2. When people take my things with out asking because then I come to a conclusion that I lost it 


Monday, October 6, 2014

1) If you believe that all students should be Web literate, what is the best strategy for your school to prepare you with this skill? Explain.
- I believe that all students should be web literate and should be prepared by schools to use web skills. Some skills that can prepare you is to know basic things like what a "url" is and what "www" stands for. Knowing things like this will make web browsing much easier. Another strategy is knowing how to truncate a website because knowing how to do this will help you to get an original website if you get a different version of this. 

2) What skills should all teachers have to be Web literate? Explain.
- Skills all teachers should have to be web literate is plenty of knowledge and information about the web. The teachers should know the basics of the web so things that's needed to be taught to students could be easily understood. Teachers should also know the history of the internet and what life was like before the internet started. Knowing things like this and more would should define if the teacher is web literate. 

3) What role should school filtering play in your school district? Explain why schools should block or not block Web sites.
- I don't think school filtering should play a role in school districts because when students go to do research they turn to Google. Turning to Google isn't good because Google gives many examples or answers of what your actually looking for and sometimes they tend to be false. School filtering prevents students from going to actual websites and finding information needed. I think instead of school filtering teachers should find another way to prevent students from going on inappropriate websites or just use better supervision over students. 

4) Do you believe the Internet is as big a transformer of culture as the printing press? Explain.
- I believe the internet is not a big transformer of culture as the printing press. People do rely on the internet everyday though. Statistic would show that millions of people use the internet everyday worldwide. The internet affects the everyday lives of people with its trends and social media.

5) If yes, what parts of our culture do you believe will be most affected? Explain.
- No

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

1) What do you consider interesting?

People write best when they write about topics they consider interesting, but to choose a relevant topic, you must know yourself. To help you understand your interests, complete the following phrases as honestly and completely as you can.

  • The subject I most enjoy reading about is u.s/ world history

  • My favorite hobby or pastime is running track

       If I won the lottery, I would use the money to satisfy my wants and needs 

  • The type of volunteer activity I prefer is sports wise activity's

  • My favorite school subject has always been English

  • If I ran the world, the first thing I would change would be the way people treat others, I would make equality through out the world.